How important is education

A direct effect of education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us form opinions and develop a point of view. The information we are constantly bombarded with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly and applying the gathered information in real-life scenarios. Education is not limited to lessons from textbooks. Real education is obtained from the lessons taught by life.

A direct effect of education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us form opinions and develop a point of view. The information we are constantly bombarded with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly and applying the gathered information in real-life scenarios. Education is not limited to lessons from textbooks. Real education is obtained from the lessons taught by life.

  1. To get a higher paying job, which allows you to be more financially secure.
    Okay. All college grads get higher paying jobs than dropouts. Take Steve Jobs, for instance. Or Princess Di. Or J. Edgar Hoover.
  2. Teaches you how to handle responsibility.
    Then again, given than most of the members of Congress are grads, why are they deeply absorbed in brokering weapons deals for their own states and for their own pockets? As long as the piling up corpses are an American, does it matter? What would college say? What happened between the raised dais of the gorgeous gold diplomas and the grubbing for this day’s vote? Do lawmakers not esteem interesting cultures to be human, and as much a part of the globe as they, the distinguished?

3. Gives you the necessary tools to think for yourself and back up your arguments. 
Why is that important? It might also be great to think about a variety of problems in a variety of ways, some ways requiring book learning and some requiring experience. Some ways require a talent for feeling or voicing. Some base their effectiveness on a plain, old, well-defined and pain-staking thought. College grads and dropouts both share in that responsibility whether they are beekeepers or legal interns, but it seems more and more prevalent for college grads to see education as a ladder up, more money and more power, regardless of what their actions do to their own children. It must be scary to think that they depend as much on high-school dropouts as dropouts depend on grads. 
What does money really mean, if it is only a path to greater chaos and weak leaders who can’t think outside the joke. Why is education important? Education in all its robes must gather us into the beauty of the garden, the brilliance of difference and the hope for whatever comes next. If I learn this–by caring for spitting-up patients or taking a glider flight around the world–then you know why I was busy and couldn’t make it to Trig this morning. 
4. Exposes you to more of your peers allowing you to see and experience diversity and different points of view. 
I’ve seen a point of view in a country church, a Los Angeles taxi-cab and a stadium full of kids who haven’t lived enough yet to suffer the world or to have it suffer them. I’ve seen great dancers on a bus bench. I’ve had friends from New York City and from Guadalajara, and I have heard tremendous stories. I’ve lain flatback in a hospital; thank God, not everyone in a hospital is a surgeon.

5. Helps you realize your potential, which allows you to empower yourself to do more than you thought you could do before. 
Yeah. College does that. It empowers you. To win Civil Wars and have six beautiful healthy children. Go college! Maybe it will empower us to grab with the physicality of our hands and the connections of social media to dance the world; we might find ways to not stink and not fight. You think? In other words, if college empowers you there, up there, does that mean it provides you with the compassion, education and the will to empower, wo, way down there, the people without the money and without the power?

6. In the process of getting an education, you make new friends, and these friendships could last a lifetime. 
But be careful. Be really careful if the friendships are represented by clubs with big bloody skulls. It would be better, I guess, to make friends with a guy who does not know how to spell subversive, than with somebody really, really smart who enjoys making rocket bombs.

7. Gives you a better, more developed understanding of the world and current events. 
Certainly does. Making me wonder why this push is always money and power? Do you stop to think about it?

8. Opens up the possibility of more job opportunities. 
If I get a job, I guess that means that college worked. If I get a job and didn’t get a paper first, that must mean…

9. Allows you to learn the mistakes of those who came before you, so that you do not repeat the same mistakes. 
That’s a relief.

10. Learn time management skills and getting things done on time. 
I think that’s great. Just think if Wernher Von Braun had ever been late.

11. School teaches you that every bad action made has a discipline which goes with it. 
Yeah, Jackson. Yeah, Polk. Yeah, Bush. Yeah, Nixon. Yeah, Bundy…

12. Develop social skills for interacting with people you do not normally interact with. 
Either go to college and pay $12,000 a year, or run down to Skid Row.

13. Teaches you organizational skills which will one day come in handy. 
That is amazingly true. However, I did see a woman with eleven kids. Man, she did the cloth diapers and the Chef Boyardee thing, and when the kids got bigger she got them through Algebra… Oh, but… Come to think of it, she had a college degree.

I believe in college. But I don’t pray to the God of Universities. Everybody is different. If we collectively destroy the world by refusing to think things through, then we collectively will be incinerated.

Every human being needs oxygen to survive in the world. Education is as important as this because education gives people the knowledge and skills they require. Education is important to people of all ages and it has no limit. Children require education in order for them to learn how to speak and to write. Students in higher education level require knowledge in order to gain valuable information regarding what they are studying about. Managers in companies require education to improve them in decision making and adapting to changing environment. One cannot say that they do not need any further education no matter how smart they are because the quality of education is always improving.

This is the reason why education is becoming increasingly important and it has now become a necessity to everyone. In the past two decades or so, parents did not see education to be important for their child as they believed that their child only needs knowledge on certain issues. If parents still have the same mentality today, their child will find it difficult to make a living in today’s world which has become very competitive. Even in lower education level, students are already competing with each other to determine who will get the highest grade in class. If these students are already so competitive in school just imagine how competitive would they be when they move on to higher education and after that, work.

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