Why Education is important in our life

Education is so much important for success in life. Education is important for the personal, social and economic development of the nation. … Education is only one thing that can remove corruption, unemployment, and environmental problems. Why is education so important because it is a part of our life. Education is so much important for …

About Education

The professor said he had been teaching for many years, ever since he graduated from college, and had a large number of boys under him in one of the governmental institutions. He turned out students who could pass examinations, which was what the government and parents wanted. Of course, there were exceptional boys who were …

Benefits of Education

Education Benefits Reduces Poverty: 420 million people would be lifted out of poverty with a secondary education, thus reducing the number of poor worldwide by more than half. Increases Income: One extra year of schooling increases an individual's earnings by up to 10%. Makes People Healthier: Children of educated mothers are more likely to be …

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